baygon - 300ml

Barcode: 6001298899714 (EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Quantity: 300ml

Packaging: Métal, Acier

Brands: Baygon

Countries where sold: Côte d'Ivoire


→ Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Registered and Manufactured by: SCJohnsarA Co. Reg. No. 1960/04775/07. 192 Smit Street, Fairandt ative ingredients: Imiprothrin (Pyrethroid) 0.34 g/g Pale imi ates crawing & flying inseds Mata insectos rastejantes e voaderes Elimine les insectes rampants et volants letramethrin (Pyrethroid) 2.0 g/kg; Piperonyl B g. No. 1960/04775/07. 192 Smit Street, lam HARMFUL DANGEREUX PERIGOSO

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