List of traces for products that contain the ingredient Vegetable oil - World

22 traces:

Nuts 17
Soybeans 8
Milk 7
Gluten 7
Sesame seeds 6
Mustard 5
Celery 5
Eggs 4
Fish 3
Crustaceans 2
Lupin 2
Molluscs 1
fr:lapin 1*
de:milchprodukten 1*
Peanuts 1
de:sesamsaat 1*
de:sesamsaaten 1*
de:soja-sellerie 1*
de:soja-schalenfrüchten 1*
fr:contient-du-lait-et-des-fruits-a-coques 1*
fr:lait-de-moutarde 1*
coconut 1*